
Current Water Rates

Meter Size Rate
3/4 inch $28.89
1 inch $28.89
1-1/2 inch $127.88
2 inch $201.82

Minimum charge based on meter size.

Gallons Rate per Gallon
First 1,000 gallons included in minimum meter charge
1,001 - 5,000 gallons $0.89 per 1,000 gallons
5,001 - 20,000 gallons $4.37 per 1,000 gallons
20,001 - 40,000 gallons $8.73 per 1,000 gallons
All over 40,000 gallons $10.58 per 1,000 gallons

The water charge is based on actual usage. In order to encourage conservation, the per unit charge (1 unit = 1,000 gallons) increases at higher volumes of usage.

Example: WATER $299.05

John Smith has a 3/4-inch meter with 42,500 gallons of consumption for the month.

Gallons Units Rate Total
0 - 1,000 = 1.00 x $28.89 = $28.89
1,001 - 5,000 = 4.00 x $ 0.89 = $ 3.56
5,001 - 20,000 = 15.00 x $ 4.37 = $65.55
20,001 - 40,000 = 20.00 x $ 8.73 = $174.60
Over 40,000 = 2.50 x $ 10.58 = $26.45
Total Gallons: 42,500 Water Portion of Bill: $299.05


Current Sewer Rates

Meter Size Rate
3/4 inch $18.67
1 inch $18.67
1-1/2 inch $18.67
2 inch $18.67

Minimum charge based on meter size.

Gallons Rate per Gallon
First 1,000 gallons included in minimum meter charge
All over 1,000 gallons $7.39 per 1,000 gallons

Sewer charges on residential accounts are billed based on water consumption and the Winter Quarterly Averages of three consecutive winter periods. Click here for an explanation of how Winter Quarterly Averaging is calculated. Note: 1 unit = 1,000 gallons.

Example: SEWER $60.87

John Smith has a 3/4-inch meter and is billed a Winter Quarterly Average consumption of 6,739 gallons.

Gallons Units Rate Total
0 - 1,000 = 1.00 x $18.67 = $18.67
Over 1,000 = 5.71 x $7.39 = $42.20
Total Gallons: 6,739 Sewer Portion of Bill: $60.87

NOTE: New customers who have not established Winter Quarterly Averaging will be charged the current city average of 6,739 gallons.


Trash Cart Size Collection Rate
68 gallon $16.89 per month
95 gallon $23.60 per month
Extra trash cart $19.66 for each additional cart plus a $15 one-time delivery fee
Trash or recycle cart damaged by resident due to neglect, misuse, etc. Current replacement cost from vendor plus $15 delivery fee

John Smith requested a 95-gallon trash cart. Using table above, John's monthly collection rate is $23.60.

NOTE: Sales tax is applied to refuse services. John Smith's refuse sales tax is $1.95.

All residential customers in Plano are charged for refuse collection. Normally, this service is provided once a week. The City provides a 95 or 68 gallon trash cart and a recycling cart on wheels. Grass clippings and other yard debris are picked up if bagged in recyclable paper bags. These bags are available for purchase at the City of Plano Warehouse, 4100 W. Plano Parkway. Citizens are encouraged to mulch grass clippings and leave them on the lawn.


Current Drainage Rates

Residential Customer Class Size of Impervious Area (square feet)* Monthly Fee
R - 1 Less than 2,500 $3.92
R - 2 2,500 to less than 4,000 $5.27
R - 3 4,000 to less than 5,500 $5.52
R - 4 Greater than 5,500 $7.08

* Includes footprint of first floor, patio, garage, alleys and sidewalks.

It is necessary to maintain and repair existing storm drainage systems and to minimize natural stream erosion. This charge is passed on to customers and is based on square footage.

Non-Residential Rates and Fees


Commercial drainage fee is assessed at $0.115 per one hundred square feet of total impervious area, minimum bill of $3.92 per month.

Refuse Service

Commercial is handled through franchise third-party refuse service. For more information please call 972-769-4150.

Sewer Rates

Minimum Charge – based on meter size

Meter Size Rate
Up to 3/4 $18.67
1 inch $36.41
1-1/2 inch $65.87
2 inch $101.29
3 inch $195.63
4 inch $301.72
6 inch $596.60
8 inch $887.74
10 inch $1,363.19
Gallons Rate Per Gallon
First 1,000 gallons Included in minimum meter charge
Over 1,000 gallons $7.39 per 1,000 gallons

There is no sewer charge for separately metered landscape irrigation systems.

Water Rates

Minimum Charge – based on meter size

Meter Size Rate
Up to 3/4 $28.89
1 inch $65.29
1-1/2 inch $127.88
2 inch $201.82
3 inch $398.95
4 inch $620.96
6 inch $1,237.30
8 inch $1,976.89
10 inch $2,839.98
Gallons Rate Per Gallon
First 1,000 gallons Included in minimum meter charge
Over 1,000 gallons $4.37 per 1,000 gallons

Separately Metered Irrigation Use Systems

First 1,000 Included in minimum meter charge
1,001 - 20,000 $4.37
Over 20,000 $8.73

Service Fees

Fees for Services

The City of Plano Customer and Utility Services Department offers a variety of services to our customers. Some services require a minimal fee. A service fee is charged for some non-emergency services. If you have any questions regarding whether you will be charged for a service, always ask. The following is a summary and brief description of service fees.

New Connect Fee
This is a one-time charge for initiating new service.
Service Connect Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $20.00
After Hours Service Weekdays 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Saturdays & Holidays 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $50.00
Non-Emergency service calls will not be accepted at anytime on Sundays.
Meter Test Fee
1-inch meter $35.00
2-inch meter $75.00
3-inch meter or larger meter $250.00 minimum

If you think your meter is measuring your water usage inaccurately, we will test it for you for a fee, payable in advance of scheduling the test. If the results of the test indicate that the meter is inaccurate, outside the industry standards, the fee will be refunded.

Non-Emergency Trip Fee
Most often this is for turning water off so that customers can make plumbing repairs.
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cut-Off Fees
These fees are charged if service is terminated for non-payment. Delinquent Fee
Reconnect Fee
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturdays & Holidays 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Sample Bill


Winter Quarter Average (Sewer)

About the WQA

Sewer charges are based on your residential water consumption. The Winter Quarter Average (WQA) was designed to allow customers to pay for usage based upon their winter month’s consumption. The winter months are used to calculate the average, as that time period provides a true picture of interior water use when water consumption is not impacted by outdoor water use such as filling swimming pools and heavy use of lawn sprinkler systems.

Benefits of Using WQA:

  • Sewer charges remain consistent each month
  • Three year rolling average spreads out the water use impact from weather conditions such as drought
  • Allows customers opportunity to lower their sewer bill by reducing water use during winter months
  • Accounts for changing household (i.e. children moving back from college)

Calculating WQA

The WQA will be calculated using the three lowest consumptions from the billing periods December through March (see graphic below). This will determine your average for the current winter quarter period. Next, the average from the two previous winter quarter periods will be added and re-averaged to create your current WQA. This process creates a continuous three year rolling average. Your new WQA is billed beginning in May of each year.

Winter Quarter Average